
Get started for free. We made it easy for you to get a freelancer.

Browse through plenty of gigs/jobs. Choose one you trust. Pay as you go.

What is

Gebeya Space?

Gebeya Space is a Service as a Product platform created with a mission of connecting creatives and freelancers with buyers of gigs.

Latest Gigs
Why works with Us?
  • Budget

    Using our platform you can easily find high-quality services at every price point. No hourly rates, just project-based pricing.

  • Secured Transaction

    Always know what you'll pay upfront. Your payment isn't released until you approve the work.

  • Best Quality

    You can find the right freelancer to begin working on your project within minutes.

How Gebeya Space works?
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  • Search your needs

    Your business needs it, our freelancers can make it. With advanced search options, getting what you want just got a lot easier.

  • Choose your favorite seller

    Keep your standards high and your brand aligned by reading reviews and screening work samples to help you meet your perfect match.

  • Order and Get your stuffs done

    Now get back to work while your Gebeya Space freelancers work for you.
